Aluminium Anodised Embossed- Diamond Cut Labels
Used in Display in Exhibition items, Door Name Plates, Flat Nos. etc.

Sainath Process Works is engaged in the manufacturing of Name Plates in India and well-known as the Exporter of Name Plates from India.
In the year 1988, we started engraving on Acrylics, Brass, Stainless Steel, and Control Panel Labels on Anodized Aluminum. This Workshop also equipped with Engineering tool Grinder and Bi-Dimensional Engraving Machine with different letter Templates and Masters. We have experienced employees who have grown with us and specialized in various processes so that individually they give of the best of collectively. They form a unit working as a team to produce optimum results.
We are the manufacturer and supplier of Aluminium Anodised Embossed - Diamond Cut Labels for the reason as other than being more affordable, it has unlimited possibilities of being stamped, bent, pressed, embossed or machined.
Alu. Anodised Embossed-Diamond Cut Labels are used in Instrumentation, Control Panels, Big Display Panels, Big Control Center, Display in Exhibition items, Door Name Plates, Flat Nos. etc.