Manufacturer of Name Plates India, Exporter of Name Plates from India
About Us
Year 1966, This year was the birth of SAINATH PROCESS WORKS, thanks a lot to the pioneering efforts of late Shri Sakharam D. Sawant, was born in a poor-family in village.Sakharapa(Kondgaon), Dist. Ratnagiri in Maharashtra. He was a man with great ambition to do something, with a vision and a mission with his great determination, hardwork and of course the support from his life partner Smt. Indirabai, they started a very small unit at Goregaon(Mumbai), then due to shortage of Business place started at Navyug Nagar Tardeo-Mumbai. After having some problems shifted factory in Western Suburbs of Mumbai, i.e. in Andheri Mehta Ind. Estate.
He started at Andheri as a very small scale industry, making Labels of various material like Brass, Stainless Steel, Copper,.The process was simple but fully by manual Process. Our Speciality at that time was production Brass Etched, Copper Etched Lables in diff. Colours. Pioneer Late Shri Sakharam D. Sawant, was left us in April 1986. This is very Big shock to SAINATH PROCESS WORKS and the entire team.
With continous growth in Customer and rapid requirments. We started our Expansion Unit in SADAVALI-MIDC Area Dist.Ratnagiri-Maharashtra-India. With some large activities to serve the Customer in the best possible way.
We started Sun Process Printing by Sun Light and Brass Etching,with Stainless Steel as well as Copper, now with the experience of more than 25 to 27 years we have reached to the stage where we are having Varieties of Materials, Products with wide range of technologies.
How do we operate:
Our small and well equipped factory at Mumbai in Western Suburbs at Andheri having with Modern Machinery equipments, enable us to keep in line with latest production techniques. Our Anodizing Department is fully equiped with Modern Process Control Instruments to take care of first Graphic Anodizing, Our Brass etching Departmentfully equipped with Electronic Timers to maintain Sharpness of Letters depth of jobs. Our fabrication Department which is equipped with Drill Machines, Bench Grinders, Power Press with Complet Tool & Die Shop Takes care in the finishing of Product. Dies for Hundreds of holes and shapes are stock and can be used to save Customers Tooling Charges on first run or new job.
In year 1988, We have Started Engraving on Acrylics, Brass, Stainless Steel, and Control Panel Lables on Anodized Aluminium. This Workshop also equipped with Engineering tool Grinder and Bi-Diementional Engraving Machine with different letter Templates and Masters, We have experienced employees who have grown with us and specialised in various processes, so that individually they give of the best of collectivety. They from a unit working as a team to produce optimum results.